
PFAS Usage Update at HBF Textiles

HBF Textiles is actively working to eliminate PFAS from our textiles/coated-fabrics/leathers supply chain. The per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals used to make, among other things, fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. PFAS coatings can be found in a variety of products. Also sometimes referred to as “forever-chemicals,” PFAS do not break down.


Crafted Felt and Crafted Cloud, PFAS Free Textiles
Crafted Felt and Crafted Cloud, PFAS-Free Textiles


PFAS exist in some performance coatings applied to textiles wherever oil resistance is desired. There are new developments, however, for PFAS-free stain resistant and water-resistant performance coatings. As of now, oil resistance is not a characteristic of PFAS-free performance coatings.


Parker in Pine, a PFAS Free Textile
Parker in Pine, a PFAS-Free Coated Fabric, and Digital Bloom 2.0 in Solomon's Seal, a PFAS-Free Textile


Multiple state and federal entities, including the EPA, are regulating (or considering regulating) the sale and use of PFAS products.


Aviator in Bober Jacket, a PFAS-Free Leather
Aviator in Bomber Jacket, a PFAS-Free Leather


HBF Textiles is actively working to eliminate PFAS from our textiles/coated-fabrics/leathers supply chain. All new HBF Textiles products launched will be PFAS-free.


Explore PFAS-Free Textiles